Blog da escola

language exchange via Skype

Estou en contacto con algunhas persoas de todo o mundo por medio desta páxina,para manter conversacións via skype,facendo intercambios lingüisticos-20 minutos de fala ou mensaxes en inglés por outros 20 en castelán-Pódese facer a nivel individual pero tamén estou inscrito como profesor de adolescentes e xa algún instituto invitóume a colaborar en clases en directo e en conxunto. O problema radica na diferencia horaria.Por exemplo,neste último e-mail que recibín poderiamos contactar con nenos/as de Columbus,Ohio,US;pero a súa disponibilidade non coincide coa nosa. Deseguido copio o último e-mail recibido por si queredes incribirvos e contactar Midview High School in the United States is seeking native Spanish speakers for our class on Tuesday February 15th from 8:20-9:05am EST, Columbus, Ohio (UTC/GMT -5 hours). You can compare the difference with other time zones and Eastern Time Zone here ( Our students will have questions prepared for a discussion in Spanish during the first 20-25 minutes. The following 20-25 minutes will be in English on any subject you wish. If you're a native Spanish speaker who would like to practice English via Skype and can contact us at this time, please click on the link and then the "Sign up" button. 2/15 8:20-9:05 EST: I will contact those who sign up via the Mixxer contact/email function to confirm the exchange. On the day of the exchange, please send me a text chat message 5-10 minutes before the start of the event. My Skype name is aeastin. I will then copy your Skype name and give it to one of my students and they will call you. If you have questions, feel free to email me, Este enderezo de correo está a ser protexido dos robots de correo lixo. Precisa activar o JavaScript para velo. Please note that we are having 2 sessions. The first is from 8:20-9:05am and the second is from 9:15-10:00am. (Eastern Time) You are more than welcome to join both groups. If you would like to do so, please click the sign up button for both events separately. Here is the link for the second session. You may click on the link and the "sign up" button if you would like to participate in this event as well. 2/15 9:15-10:00am EST: Best, Amelia Eastin Midview High School

Horario de atención

Luns a venres:

de 9:00 a 14:30

de 17:00 a 20:00

Colexio Martín Códax

Avda. Aeroporto, 734
36318 Vigo, Pontevedra
986 28 80 95
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